Water and Sanitation Fund
You can help by being a part of a solution to the current global water crisis.
Clean water is essential to human life. Sadly, about 2.6 billion, mostly from developing countries do not have access to clean water. Among this staggering statistic, nearly 1,000 children under the age of 5 die every day from water-related diseases. Together, we can improve this water crisis by making access to clean water a top priority to; prevent children from deadly waterborne diseases; free women and children from the bondage of gathering and consuming dirty water; empowering women and children as they become healthier, more opportunity for education, a brighter future, and living life to its fullness.
Thanks to your generosity we are making access to clean water available to villages in Sub-Saharan Africa including the countries of Ghana, Burkina Faso, and Ivory Coast. With your gift we’re committed to expanding our reach, to meet the needs of more villages in the countries we currently serve, in addition to assisting more countries in Africa and around the globe!
Your gift helps save the lives of millions of children through access to Clean Water Initiatives including:
- Water wells that supply clean water
- Reservoirs to store rainwater
- Gutters for rainwater harvest
- Water purification devices to treat contaminated waters
- Hygiene education and support, including girls and women
Latrines and hand-washing stations